Thursday, October 8, 2009

de nada...

Sometimes, life is not a bowl of cherries...sometimes, life is not exciting...sometimes, life is not worth writing home about. Life just is! We've been back in Texas for almost a week now, and there just hasn't been much to report - hence, the lack of input on our part.

Oh, I'm not saying that there hasn't been much happening in our little corner of the world. Here in Kerrville, TX the humidity has been way up, the wind has been blowing like gangbusters, and the mold counts...forget about it! Basically,we've been staying inside to avoid the outside - but that's alright! We've been acquainting ourselves with the new fall TV lineup and thanking our lucky stars that nobody we know is the headliner on any of the reality shows.

Seriously, though - we haven't really been up to too much since we've moved our little house on wheels back into central Texas. We have just been getting set up in our new campground and have been getting acquainted with our new 'hometown.' We have noticed many differences between Ruidoso, New Mexico and Kerrville, Texas already, however: gold finches / grackles ... chipmunks / squirrels ... Sierra Blanca Mountains / Guadalupe River ... pine trees / cypress trees ... what humidity? / humidity? OH YEAH! ... county western music / oom pah pah music ... the list goes on and on. Vive la difference!!!!! We love both areas and the people and cultures within each - and they have both welcomed us with open arms. The weatherman promises that, after this coming weekend, we'll have cooler weather. Denny and I are excited about our 1st trek to Schreiner Golf Course when that happens (keep us in your prayers).

As we look over our calendar, we note that Lenny, Marlene, Pat and Lisa will have birthdays this month - we give thanks for having each of you in our lives, and we hope that your natal anniversaries are splendid!

We look forward to connecting with family and friends in the coming months as we spend our winter here in central Texas...if you are in the neighborhood, come on by!

Much love,
Denny and Lori

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lori, we were in Kerrville at the same time as you. We came through Fredericksburg Saturday morning, then on to Kerrville where we spent the night, then took Hwy. 16 S. (gorgeous) then came home through Johnson City. We took a little side trip to the Benini Sculpture Ranch which I URGE you and Dennis to do also. Hope to see you soon.