Saturday, September 19, 2009


Late September brings the sound of 'Varooooooooommm!' to Ruidoso, NM as the Golden Aspen Motorcycle Rally comes to town!! We were thankful that the week-long rains we've been experiencing subsided briefly this morning as we went into town to witness the annual parade of bikers.

Harleys as far as the eye could see...and several other contraptions, as well.

The air was cool (mid-50's range) and the streets were still damp, but the colorful Rally'ers didn't seem to mind too much. I think they enjoyed putting on their show as much as we loved to watch! There were some characters, to be sure...

...but they are the nicest bunch of people you'd ever want to meet! One of the things we've been delighted to be reminded of this summer is that people are just people wherever you go. They may not all look, talk or act as you might, but give them a smile and dollars to donuts, they'll return the favor! ; ]

Whatever you are up to this fall, we hope that you are enjoying yourself. Get out among your neighbors and folks in town and be a part of something bigger than yourself. To borrow from that wonderful film, "Hello, Dolly!" - 'Don't let the parade pass you by!!'

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