Thursday, October 15, 2009

At Home in the Hill Country

Denny and I certainly have found that we are adapting well to small town living. Since we've been 'full-timers' in our RV these past 5+ months, we find that we don't miss traffic jams one little bit! Zipping across town in 7 minutes flat appeals to Mr. Featherstone just fine, thank you.

We spent last Sunday, the 11th (Clergy Appreciation Day, according to our calendar) getting to know St. Peter's Episcopal Church. It is a beautiful place with wonderfully welcoming people. The exterior is lovely with a peaceful memorial garden and labyrinth enclosed in a pretty stone arbor. We felt right at home and have already joined their "Occasional Choir" - perfect for part-time residents!

The other day we decided to explore the area in and around
our new winter home of Kerrville, Texas. We had committed to some deep cleaning of the abode beforehand, however, so we stuck to our rule of 'Chores Come First.' Fourteen minutes later we were in the truck and on our way (small living spaces have their advantages, you know!). We cruised up to Fredericksburg and through Johnson City, ending up in the town of Marble Falls. We marveled at the beautiful countryside. Those several months of severe drought must have wreaked havoc here in central Texas. Thankfully, all is green and lush now after the rains finally came to the area.

As we were leaving Marble Falls, we noticed that there was a fundraiser for the local EMS being held at the Blue Bonnet Cafe. We helped them out by sitting down to a wonderful catfish dinner...followed by a couple of pieces of the Cafe's famous pies. It is good to be civic-minded, don't you agree? Always makes one feel so good inside!

Last week, we were strolling downtown in Kerrville and we were stricken - positively stricken, I tell you - as we gazed upon the once-bustling Schreiner Department Store... now just an empty shell on the corner. [Actually, 'stricken' is a bit strong here - you must forgive me. I am currently reading a wicked little novel about a small town in the Deep South set in the late 1950's and the voice of Sissy, the main character, channels through me from time to time. We were 'sadly impacted' with the sight, however...]

Schreiner's had been conducting business at the corner of
Earl Garrett and Water Streets for over 138 years. The inventory was of extremely high quality. It encompassed everything from hammocks to hats and footwear, from luggage to lead crystal, from clothing to clay pottery. We loved the creaky, old wooden floors and the helpful clerks we always found there. I, for one, could linger for hours!

The big, stone department store had filled half a city block. At Christmastime, shoppers would watch the movable displays in the 8-foot windows that lined the busy corner. The rest of the block had been inhabited by the old hospital (now empty except for a few doctors' offices which will be vacated upon the expiration of those leases), the Kerr Arts & Cultural Center and the Hill Country Museum (both of which are still operating). The Hill Country Museum is housed in what had been the home of Charles Schreiner and his family. We had taken the tour of the museum a few years ago and had learned the history of the town as well as the Schreiner family; they are quite intertwined. We encourage you to visit the museum if you are in the area; it is very interesting!

Unfortunately for all who loved the old store, the company that bought the long-standing family tradition back in 1991 was forced to file bankruptcy and the doors closed for the last time at the end of 2007. As we had lunch across the street from the site, we asked our waiter if he knew what was to happen with the grand old building. We were told that the city was exploring an idea of removing the department store building and the old hospital, and creating a little park. We hope that plan comes to fruition; we think Mr. Schreiner would approve.

We look forward to a few highlights on our calendar for the remainder of October. Tomorrow we'll try our hand at the Schreiner Golf Course (uh-huh...see? that name again!) and then we will attend the local high school football game (the Tivy Fighting Antlers will take on New Braunfels-Canyon at 7:30...go Antlers!) And, of course, on Saturday we'll be rooting for another central Texas football team as they face off against Oklahoma...HOOK 'EM, HORNS!!!!!!!

We are excited that Amy's terrific family will be coming the weekend of the 23rd. Hopefully, Denny Jr. will be able to join in the fun, as well! We may take in some Kerr County Fair events with them...who knows? There will be a lot to do and a wonderful time will be had by all. Surely the weather will cooperate...surely!

Before we know it, Thanksgiving and Christmas will be upon us - can you believe it?! This year is flying by, but it has held some amazing moments for Denny and I and we are thankful. We hope that you are fully engaged in your lives and are giving back in proportion to that which you are receiving!

God's peace -

1 comment:

Bissonetts of Texas said...

Lovely! I feel like I was there looking at that old store and all of it's glory days! ;( What a sad story, but the park might be a nice thing in it's place.

See you soon!
