Tuesday, September 1, 2009


With September comes the realization that summertime is drawing to a close. Campground neighbors that we've come to know and love are packing up and heading out. Even the bird population is changing. The hummingbirds, or 'hummingpigs' as Denny calls them, are beginning to disappear. During August, they emptied our feeder daily as they prepared themselves for migration. 'Twas a feeding frenzy!

We are now visited by this woodpecker
who apparently doesn't mind eating the hummingbirds' leftovers!

Denny and I are adapting well to our new lifestyle. We marvel at the fact that we haven't given a thought to all the 'stuff' we got rid of when the house sold. Our hobbies have changed a bit this summer, however. I used to enjoy cooking for family get-togethers and such (Denny says I must have been an army cook in a past life). Since I don't have as many opportunities to exercise my creative muscle in the kitchen anymore, I've taken a few classes in jewelry making - and I love it!

I was approached to teach a class next summer at one of the bead stores in town. I might do it - who knows? Perhaps I'm a little cottage industrialist in the making?!?!?

Denny used to track sawdust into the house after spending time in his woodworking shop. He has now traded lumber for leather and is tooling some very nice pieces. I think we are both discovering muscle groups which have been lying dormant as we toil away!

We love to sit outside under our awning (in the space we fondly call 'the den') and work at our new crafts while watching the neighbors and wildlife come and go. Life is good and we are thoroughly enjoying every moment. We hope your September is blessed!

Be advised:
information found in this edition of our blog
may be a hint to this year's Christmas gifts!

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