Saturday, May 16, 2009

Love Abounds

As we complete our first official week as Full-Time RV'ers, we are amazed at how wonderful people are - both folks we are meeting for the first time, and friends & family we are leaving behind at our 'home base.' During the last few weeks in the Austin area, we were surrounded by loved ones sending us on our way; we are so thankful for the fun and fellowship that we can count on each time we return to central Texas!

Even though we've been making stops of only a night or so thus far, people we've met along the way have been just delightful. At every filling station, restaurant, and campground, people see our 'rig' and a conversation begins. There was a funny exchange I had with a waitress in Kansas: as she brought us coffee, I was saying to Dennis something about... since he was a trucker now...blah, blah, blah. Well, later on, Dennis was in the restroom and the waitress came over and, shaking her head, said, "He isn't really a trucker is he?!?" I confessed our reason for parking in the trucker's lot, and she laughed. She'd seemed sort of aloof before that moment, but then she began to share stories of camping as a child - she was transformed!

Tonight, in Casper, WY, we came across a nice couple from Corpus Christi, TX that have been full-timing for about 2 years. We visited with them for quite awhile as we were setting up our RV. They had the sweetest little Pekingese dog named Tootsie. I totally connected with this dog; it was as though the dog we'd lost last year was channeling through Tootsie to me. [I know that sounds weird, but there was something in her eyes!] Anyway, it was great visiting with them and their dog! : )

There are an awful lot of RV'ers that take temporary jobs in campgrounds where they stay; they call themselves 'Workampers.' A couple we met last night just east of Denver do this and they say it's more fun than work. Denny and I may just try this 'Workamper' system out...

Tomorrow we reach our first long-term destination - Cody, Wyoming - we were there several years ago and just loved it. I am sure that the weather will be considerably cooler and drier in Cody than the 90+ temperatures we left last week...yea!! Life is change and we are all about flexibility!

Until next time...God's peace!

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