Friday, May 22, 2009

Little Day-Trips

Heading north and west of Cody, we found such a variety of scenery, activity and food this week. Denny was raring to go in his picking up truck!

He had to upgrade to a Ford F-250 when we decided to go full-time RV'ing. He is so excited about the new truck...what is it with our wonderful guys and their trucks?! There is such pride as they talk about them with a-n-y-o-n-e who will listen! ; )

But, seriously, get 2 fellas together side by
side with their rigs... wow! Denny and my son, Alex, showed off their new rides with great enthusiasm while we were in Denton, TX recently - I loved seeing it!! Any 'cool' vibe my 20-year-old may normally exude disappears into boyish delight when you bring up his Ford F-150. We really enjoyed our visit with him...

But I digress - back to our day-tripping...

We had hoped to get into Yellowstone National Park via the northeast entrance a few days ago. We looped up through Red Lodge, MT where we stopped for lunch. I had a wonderful cup of tomato bean soup with an egg salad sandwich while Denny thoroughly enjoyed his buffalo chili in a bread bowl. We were anxious to go through Beartooth Pass (elevation 10,947 ft), so after visiting an old-time candy shoppe, we drove on into Custer National Park.

We were disappointed to learn that Beartooth Pass was closed until the first week in June. We couldn't get into Yellowstone through that route, but we got some good pictures of the mountain scenery anyway....

As Dennis scanned the horizon for good shots, I planned my next one with a snowball!

While it was pretty cool outside (maybe 60 degrees), the sun kept us warm in the higher altitudes.

The following day, we headed west to play a little golf in Powell, WY. I'd remembered this course as one of my favorites - probably because when we'd played it in 2005, I'd had one of my best rounds to-date. Unfortunately, when we played this time I played at the same level as before! I guess I went 'flogging' instead of 'golfing'?!?

We didn't see as much wildlife on this day-trip as we'd expected...and then we got back to our campground and this sight greeted us outside our little home on the range!

Until next time, y'all - be good!!

[Hey, if you received this as an email, be sure to click the blog link at the bottom so you can catch up on all the previous entries!]


Bissonetts of Texas said...

Oh, it all sounds like so much fun! Love hearing about what you are up to. It really helps us feel like we are apart of things even though we are far away. Keep up the great blogging! You do a great job!

Bissonetts of Texas said...

Black Dodge 2500 Diesel 4X4, listen to high flow intake and hum of the 4" exhaust...beautiful!