Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Bears are Back!

Yikes!  As we sat out on our porch yesterday (it must have been about 7 p.m.),  this little fella came trotting up the road toward us...(you can see our baseball capped neighbor, Kristin, sitting just left of his head)

He must either be a young'un or he is mighty hungry, to come sauntering into a very populated area that way.  He looks thin to me, but check out those pads on his feet - they are huge!  Rita, another neighbor of ours here in the campground, was coming up behind this guy with her camera.  She shared this picture (and the next) with us and we are so glad she did!  If she hadn't, you may have thought that this whole blog entry was just a tall tale...

We've heard that a woman above the campground had been setting out food for a mama bear and her 2 cubs last year. The mama bear reportedly got a bit pushy and had to be put down. We don't know if there is food being set out for bears again this year, but the area has been visited by several bears this summer - both at night and during broad daylight! One climbed up on our campground hosts' porch railing at about 10:30 one night last month and was drinking the hummingbird feeder dry when he was discovered.  Corlene (our host) happened to be awake and saw him; she chased him away by slapping a flyswatter on the cushion of her porch furniture.  You don't mess with Corlene! 

At about 4 a.m. several days ago, Rita (our resident photog) spied this guy checking out the dumpsters in the campground.  It is a grainy shot; she was out of range, but you can definitely tell that it is a pretty massive bear zoning in on our refuse!  Thanks, Rita, for your keen eye and quick reflexes!!

Well, that's about all I have for this entry, but it was mighty exciting stuff, eh?!?!?! 
Sometimes just a little bit goes a long way.  Take care, all!!

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