Monday, June 21, 2010

Fun with Family & Friends

As Dorothy Gale once said, "There's no place like home."  Home is where the heart is, and our hearts are bound together with loving family and friends.  My son, Alex, and his girlfriend, Jaime, had some time off from work and wanted to visit the family in Austin.  So, as we planned our next move, there was no doubt where we wanted to be!  We hadn't met Jaime before and we were won over by her poise, self-confidence, and sweet nature.  (Unfortunately, the picture isn't's from my phone.)

We had fun getting together with most of the family in the Austin area one afternoon and evening at our campground.  My daughter, Megan, and Dennis's daughter, Amy, and her girls Anna and Ellie enjoyed the pool.

There were 15 of us at our campsite that day.  Just about the time we brought all the food outside for dinner, a quick downpour freshened the air...and us... while the sun was still shining!  It didn't bother us much; we just wiped down the tables and chairs after it stopped, and enjoyed the meal as if nothing had happened.  I noticed that we had a neighbor nearby who was also enjoying the day...

I snapped this picture of my mom as she was enjoying a lovely evening in her backyard.  Note the hibiscus to her right and the way it complements her feng shui!

One day we had nice visit and lunch at Megan's apartment.  This is Beowulf, my grandcat; isn't he handsome in his tunnel?  He is such a smart cat; and very friendly!

The visit with everyone was wonderful, but now that the first day of summer has arrived and the thermometer is beginning to do its central Texas thing, we're off to New Mexico and that cool, mountain air.
Adios, amigos!

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