Thursday, April 22, 2010

Note to Self: Be in the Moment!

It seems as though we've been going non-stop since we arrived in Charleston on the 17th. 
There is so much to do and to see here - and the weather has been amenable to every last outing!

If the scores on the golf course weren't terrific, the views certainly were!  We have loved the Spanish Moss hanging in the live oaks everywhere across the southern states we've seen so far.  The effect seems somehow cool and sultry at the same time.

I always enjoy exploring a cemetery.  This view is through the gate at the French Protestant (Huguenot) Church, circa 1845.  Many of the headstones are so old and worn, they are unrecognizable.  There are many beautiful churches in Charleston; the earliest being St. Michael's Episcopal Church (1761) - it's reported that both George Washington and Robert E. Lee worshipped there when in the area.

These 2 lovely Easter-colored cottages were just a sampling of the abodes we discovered along the avenue bordering Waterfront Park.  I took so many pictures of the yellow one on the corner, I was afraid they'd come and arrest me for stalking the place!  = ]

This lovely fountain, with the pineapple representing 'hospitality,' says it all for us.  Charleston has been a wonderfully welcoming city.

One of the negatives of being a 'full-time RV'er' is that you are, in a way, on vacation all the time.  Now, that may not sound like a bad thing, but it is if you feel as though you should be investigating your surroundings ...all...the...time.  It feels wrong somehow for us to just stay home!  We seem to be always going, seeing, doing; or else we are planning our next move and what we will go, and see, and do when we get there.  It can be exhausting.  Denny and I had a nice talk this morning over coffee about remembering to 'be in the moment;' to slow down and smell the roses.  We had a lovely day doing nothing - like grocery shopping, checking out the area mall, and just enjoying our campground.  Sometimes the most mundane moments can be the sweetest.

And nothing could be sweeter than my dear Denny - that's him in his Ian Poulter cap checking his email...

Here's to the good times; the busy and the lazy ones!

Love and Hugs,
The Featherstones

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