Thursday, April 1, 2010

No Foolin' - we are moving on!

This morning ended our 6-month stay in central Texas. As we prepared to pull out of our Lake Travis campground winter home, I had to convince our friends in the office that our leaving was no "April Fool" joke. My dear, sweet Denny apparently inherited his father's wanderlust and the road has been calling his name.

In spite of all the fun we've had; and maybe because of it, it was hard for me to leave. Poor Denny glanced over at me as we looked back at Round Rock in our rear view mirror and he saw a few tears sliding down my face. Don't get me wrong; I am excited to the 'nth' degree about the new adventures we'll have visiting the southeastern portion of the United States. I was just missing folks...already!

We've had such a grand time with family and friends; we are truly blessed. Being present to sing "Happy Birthday!" to my daughter, my mother, and Denny's son-in-law, Rick; in addition to all the walks, talks, meals and moments we've had with dear ones - these are all gifts we so enjoy and for which we are extremely thankful!

Today we put in about 300 miles between dinner and breakfast - yes, one can most assuredly travel all day and still be in the great state of Texas! We are stopping for the night in Carthage, just shy of Louisiana. We hope to outrun a rainstorm that is apparently following our path - about a day or so behind us. This is one of those times when we hope that the weathermen are wrong! One cannot always have sunny skies, though, and wonderful things can come from rainy days.

The byways that we travelled today teased us with a smattering of wild flowers; a hint of the colorful array that is forecast for the coming weeks. The bluebonnets, Indian paintbrush, and what I call 'black-eyed Susans' should be fantastic after the rains of spring. While we'll miss all of that, we anticipate a lovely display of azaleas and dogwood near Savannah and Charleston....and who knows what else? We'll have to have our cameras ready for all that is in store!

Here is a funny shot of Denny as he parked his rig in a truckers' parking lot in Buffalo, Texas. We think we're pretty cool with our big truck as we cruise down the road...this kind of puts things in perspective, eh?!?

Just the look on his face makes it all worth while, though! =]

Happy Easter, everyone; enjoy your springtime surprises.

Life is blossoming all around you!

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