Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Colors are Coming!

Fall is in the air! Could it be that just a week or so ago we had the a/c running? Now with the temperatures dipping into the 40's in the wee hours of the morning, we've turned on the furnace a time or two. I love snuggling under the covers though, so I'm happy as a lark. =]

In addition to the temperature changes, we are blessed to be able to witness nature's chameleon act.
Seemingly overnight, the lush greens are turning to earthtones - and in central Texas that can be quite spectacular.

This is a shot I took while we were on a walk in town about 2 weeks ago. There is just a hint of rust beginning to appear.

My daughter, Megan, took this picture at our campground yesterday. She is quite a good photographer; these cypress trees were really busting their buttons for her!

Megan and my mom came to visit for a couple of days and they stayed in this cute little cabin about 200 yards from our RV. We had a great time roasting marshmallows, taking walks, and just enjoying each others' company. [Oh, and during one of our walks yesterday...on the golf course...yours truly had her very first hole-in-one! Uh-HUH!!! It was pretty awesome; I think I am still in shock. Perhaps I should quit playing golf right now; I mean, can it get any better than this?!?! ...but I digress... back to the blog, Lori!]

In the next few days, Dennis and I plan to drive out to Lost Maples State Park to get some more pictures. The colors are supposed to be terrific this year and the weatherman says that we are approaching the peak time for the change this week.

Stay tuned!!

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