Wednesday, July 15, 2009's a box of chocolates!

Life is just full of surprises, isn't it? We've had many in the past several weeks; some good and some not so good. Everything from having a parking spot open up right when we need one, to being inundated with a sudden shower while playing our favorite golf course.

We had a big shock last Saturday when we heard about a motorcycle accident involving a dear friend. In critical condition, unresponsive and virtually unrecognizable for 4 days, Jerry lay bandaged and broken in the hospital. His family and a wide circle of friends breathed his name in constant prayer. Today we learned that he has regained consciousness - Praise God! We know that Jerry has a long way to go in his recovery, but he is one tough cookie and he'll be back up to speed in no time. We are blessed to have people such as Jerry in our midst; he is a character!

This episode reminds me, once again, to live in the moment... be present to the miracles... and love without reservation. Life is a fragile gift, and it's all about relationships.

We had a delightful surprise on Sunday evening. As Dennis was leaving the RV to take the garbage out, we heard someone exclaim, "Hi there!!" As I peeked out the door, I was stunned to find our wonderful friends, Debbie and Scott Sherrill (and their little dog, Tony Parker) standing there. They'd planned a surprise visit to see us in Ruidoso on their way to Santa Fe. We had the best time catching up with them until they had to move on Tuesday afternoon. They are lovely people and we are fortunate to call them 'friends.'

Telephone conversations and email messages are wonderful and do keep one in touch, but nothing compares to the physical presence of friends and loved ones. We are so looking forward to our 'winter' stay back in central Texas!

Here's hoping all is well with you and yours. Receive the blessings, and abide in love!

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