Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Games People Play

Golf - you've probably heard about it. The object of the game is to hit a wee ball into a wee cup with a long, narrow stick. Dropping that sucker into that wee cup in the fewest number of tries is most desirable.

Lately, the only thing about my game that has dropped dramatically has been my confidence. I tell you what, after watching my performance deteriorate over the last few months... and tossing out my scorecard altogether after a particularly horrible round about 10 days ago, I decided I'd just give the whole thing up. I haven't been golfing...I've been flogging - and my attitude and behavior have been sad.

Well, a few days ago, I was in the public library and saw a little book called, Golfer's Start-Up: A Beginner's Guide to Golf by Doug Werner. I checked it out and was floored - the basic grip that was described and illustrated in the 1st few pages was TOTALLY foreign to me. Apparently, nobody had ever told me the correct way to hold a club! In spite of this, I had kind of made the wrong way work enough of the time in the past to think that I had this thing figured out. Uh-uh... Anyway, I tried this 'new-to-me' grip in the privacy of our little cabin on wheels, and it felt soooooo awkward. It was as though I'd never held a golf club before.

Much to Dennis's surprise, I agreed to his suggestion of proceeding to the golf course with my new grip. After 2 holes of absolute flailing about, something clicked and the angels began humming. [They were not actually singing, mind you, but I hope that will come in time!] I shot a 94 that day (hey, that's good for me!) and decided that maybe I'd postpone my exodus from the sport.

Realizing that it can all 'go south' again at any time, given the plethora of factors that affect each and every round, I'd best continue reading. Surely there will be a chapter or so on the mental game...keeping it fun. Besides, it is a game, after all, right?!

Now, go out there and have a great day!

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