Monday, April 20, 2009

...and God said, "Go for it!"

My husband, Dennis, and I absolutely love to go camping in our RV. We've been married just over 5 years and we head out whenever we can (which is frequently, I suppose, to many folks as Dennis is retired and I'm a homemaker, so we aren't tied to the 8-to-5). It just seemed to us that we were never out there enough.

So, we decided to put our house on the market and see what happened. If the house sold, we would try 'full-time RV'ing' and see all of this wonderful country and visit the family and friends living here and there that we just don't get to see as often as we'd like. Well, that's when God said, "Go for it!" After 4 days on the market we had 2 viable offers on the house. By the next evening, after a small bidding war, a contract was signed and we were off and running!

That was about 4 weeks ago; we are now in our camper and after the house closes at the end of the month, we'll be on the road. We cannot wait! Granted, our heads are spinning and our backs are tired from sorting and moving 'stuff,' but we are excited about simplifying our lives and taking in the beauty. We'll dust off those cameras and take some pictures along the way, and keep you all posted on our adventures. Stay tuned!


Bissonetts of Texas said...

We are SO excited for you and what an adventure it will be! You better believe we'll stay tuned and look forward to each new post! We love you!

Unknown said...

Sounds so exciting - I will be following your adventures; so glad you created this blog. See you Friday.