Saturday, August 21, 2010


We so enjoy our time in the Sacramento Mountains of New Mexico.  The last several summers have found us nestled in here at around 7000 feet above sea level.  Denny and I both grew up surviving the cold North Dakota/Minnesota winters, and withered for years in the hot central Texas summers.  Whenever we speak of settling down somewhere now, we always factor in the 4 distinct, yet mild seasons one finds right here in Lincoln County.  The friends we've made in our favorite campground in town; the little church just up the road that has welcomed us, even into its choir family; the golf course that favors our level of play...we always feel quite at home when we are in this area.  The fact that we are only about 500 miles from our loved ones in Texas is a big bonus, as well.

And so, while we will still hold on to our RV, and travel whenever and wherever the whim takes us; we've decided to make a little permanent nest here.  Just about the time my dear Denny celebrates his next birthday (in late September), our cabin should be completed.

This is very similar to ours, except that we'll have a covered roof over the deck, and the deck will be 'skirted' so you won't see underneath.  We will have a lovely wooded view out the back and off the deck...with all the critters that come with it!

I always maintain that Denny is the happiest when he has a project to work on; well, he is as happy as a clam right now overseeing all the details of our new venture!  I've been busy selecting furniture, etc. to make our little nest a home.  We'll keep you posted on the progress...and we'll see you soon!!   Lori & Dennis

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a lovely spot! I am so happy for you. More information, please!