Tuesday, June 23, 2009

From Cody to Durango - just one week, but an eventful one!

Boy, have we had a wild ride since we pulled up stakes in Cody! After cruising through Thermopolis at midday (lovely town, awesome hot springs), we noticed a few rain drops hitting our front window. Denny accelerated a bit and we thought nothing of it as we left the raincloud in our dust. Later that evening as we settled in for the evening news in Casper, WY, we listened to the story of the tornado that touched down in Thermopolis....just at the time we'd passed through.

The next day we were bound for Cheyenne, WY. Halfway along, I noticed a sign that promised a sighting of ruts from the historic Oregon Trail if only we'd make a detour. Denny, sweet and accommodating man that he is, sensed that I must take in this wonder. We made the journey, and though it added one hour's delay in our progress, we were impressed by what we saw. Later, back on track for our day's destination,
we came over a crest in the road and saw before us, as far as the eye could see, a black and bruised sky. Turning on our weather radio, we heard that there was a tornado warning for Fort Collins, CO (50 miles beyond us and where we planned to stop for lunch the next day with my aunt and cousin!). I exclaimed that 'I don't believe we are in Kansas anymore!' Anywho...long story short: the tornadic activity produced only heavy rain and hail. It turned out that the little impromptu stop to see the Oregon Trail ruts actually saved us from setting up camp in a drenching rain - yea, me! Sometimes you must listen to your gut. : )

The next day, we went on to share a lovely lunch with my aunt Judie and cousin Cathy in Fort Collins before settling into Breckenridge for a few days. Judie is newly embedded in her home there and she played gracious hostess to our road-weariness. Cathy was a splendid surprise; always a delight!

When we arrived later that day in Breckenridge, CO, we were in awe of the campground we'd established as home-base for the next several days. Tiger Run RV Resort was paradise and, if we weren't actually in town for my big brother's wedding, we'd have reveled in the campground. As it was, we had an awesome time celebrating Mark and Patty's nuptuals for the next several days.

Patty came to Mark as a breath of fresh air. She brings out
the absolute best in him and we are so happy for them. They celebrated their love with a few friends and family over several days in Breckenridge playing golf, shopping, visiting a day-spa, and just enjoying the company of loved ones. The day after the wedding, most of us explored Vail together. Mark and Patty have wonderfully supportive
friends and family, and we know that they will be very happy!

Did I mention golf? Oh, well, in addition to playing, my mom (Sue) acquired some added instruction and my husband, Denny, channelled Ian Poulter while in Vail (see photos)!

After leaving the Breckenridge area, Denny and I were blessed with the sights of the village of Ouray, nestled in the Rockies, and the sometimes terrifying experience (to the passenger in the vehicle) of the extreme drop-offs as one careens the Million Dollar Highway between Ouray and Silverton, CO. My oh my! Next time, I hope to be driving!! (no offense, dear husband!)

When we finally slowed to a stop at the campground just outside of Durango, we were met by the goofy creature known as the baby alpaca...recently shaved. I thought I'd arrived in "the land of Dr. Seuss!"

Over the next few days we'll be exploring Mesa Verde, enjoying a round of golf, and taking a ride on the steam train from Durango before dropping down into New Mexico for a few months. We'll keep you posted, so, until next time - God's peace!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the blog mom! Keep it up so I can travel vicariously through you :) safe travels