Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 Already?!?

I am floored that 2009 has already passed; seems that we were just stocking up on Halloween candy! Time is a slippery slope, especially as one gets older. It is a blessing to realize how fleeting life is; each moment seems sweeter and more precious as I travel life's road. My youngest child, Alex, turned 21 a few days after Christmas. That fact is a doozie for me to digest. I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday!

When I was in my early 20's, as my children now are, I sometimes felt overwhelmed by the future that lay ahead of me. The moments of my life were like coins - once spent, gone. How was I going to 'spend my time?' I understood that the choices for my life were mine to make and that I was fully capable of doing so. I didn't always make the best choices, but I have no regrets. When we choose a path and find later that it isn't the direction we had anticipated, we can turn around and choose again. We haven't lost anything but time, and we have gained experience. I can see now that blessings come out of all situations - even the very ugly ones - in time.

My goodness, I got a bit heavy there! I always think I know what I'll write on this blog when I sit down to the computer, but sometimes a different line of thought emerges. So, back to the holidays and the joy discovered therein! We had a lovely Christmas with family this year - only a few loved ones were not present. We stayed in touch with the Montana, Indiana and Minnesota folks by telephone, however; and kept them in our prayers, as always.

Most of our immediate family is in central Texas, and so there Dennis and I were: in the midst of them! We enjoyed watching a "pick-up pageant" at my mom's church on Christmas Eve. This year the baby Jesus was played by a wee one named Olivia...only in Texas! =] Mom made a wonderful dinner for us all and we had a peaceful evening with my younger brother, Dan, and his children, Emma and Miles. Unfortunately, Emma (and later, Dan) got sick and the evening came to a premature close. We are glad to report that everyone is well now.

Christmas morning gifts were opened with Mom after a scrumptious breakfast that she created (aren't moms great?!?!).

My daughter, Megan, and her boyfriend Evan enjoying the day.

My son, Alex, wears the paper crown he discovered
in the Christmas 'Cracker' at his place setting.

Later that day, we trouped over to Dennis's daughter
and son-in-law's home for more food and gift giving.

Here is a good portion of the bunch all together on Christmas Day, left to right: Rick's sister, Amie; Rick and Amy's daughter, Anna; Rick; Dennis's son, Dennis; my Dennis; my daughter, Megan; my son, Alex; Rick and Amy's daughter, Ellie; my mother, Susan; and Dennis's daughter, Amy.

We ended the festivities by playing/performing to "Rock Band II" in Rick and Amy's living room. Ain't technology grand?
Rick, Alex, and Megan jamming big time!

Here I am enjoying my turn as 'chanteuse' while the family band played on.

We hope that your holidays were wonderful and that your New Year is bright! Remember: the past is gone, the future is nowhere in sight, so live in the moment
for the present is a gift!